Several Lithuanian letters cannot be easily viewed on the WWW. They will be represented by the ascii characters: a, is ; c^ is ; e' is ; e, is ; i, is ; s^ is ; u, is ; u~ is ; and z^ is . Click on a word to hear how it sounds. [Sound Help Page] Click here to listen to every word on this page with RealAudio. [Download RealAudio]
(Lietuvis^kai = Italiano)
Kaire'n = Sinistra (12269 bytes)
Des^ine'n = Destra (10137 bytes)
Tiesiai = (Sempre) Diritto (12812 bytes)
Auks^tyn = In alto, Su (10608 bytes)
Z^emyn = In basso, Giú (21926 bytes)
Toli = Lontano (14154 bytes)
Arti = Vicino (10644 bytes)
Ilgas = Lungo (12520 bytes)
Trumpas = Corto, Breve (18137 bytes)
Z^eme'lapis; Planas = Mappa, Cartina geografica, Cartina stradale (51946 bytes)
Informacija turistams = Informazioni turistiche (24711 bytes)